Namaste and Thank You for finding your way to my website.

As you browse these pages, it is my wish that you feel inspired to further research any item that speaks to you.

Reiki Set Go is excited about celebrating twenty years in business. I offer a relaxing, rejuvenating, and revitalizing hands healing treatment. This treatment releases stress, strain, and worry. It invites calmness and clarity; it enhances recovery from many medical conditions.

At this time there are over 400 recognized Reiki medical clinics in the United States.

"Janice is a great listener; with wise understanding. My Reiki treatments and training have reduced my pain so I can work. My Reiki training has sent me on a wonderful path of self discovery. I will forever be grateful."

MacMillan & Associates Inc has been providing a variety of professional and personal workshops, human resource consulting services and public speaking engagements for thirty years. Over the last twenty+ years professional counseling has been available to private and EAP-EFAP (Employee Assistance Programs) clients seeking solutions in time of transition and change.

Last year was so critical and I will be forever thankful to you. I was driven by surviving(thinking that was the definition of strong and resilient), not thriving as we discussed. Thank you so much for getting me through this time in my life that I may not have gotten back from without your help. I am learning self care instead of needing to take care of others. I feel my self worth and it feels really good...grounding. I feel alive and at peace. Thank you for being you. (R.S.M.)

Blessings on your day.

News & Events

Upcoming Reiki Classes

Reiki Classes will begin soon and seating is limited to 6 individuals. Reserve your spot today ... read more

Reiki Share

Reiki Share is offered to anyone who has completed Degree I and forward ... read more

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